Airbnb Editorial Web Design

Delivering news through data and community storytelling


Creative Direction Product Design Motion Graphics


The Airbnb Newsroom is the first stop for all company related news. I worked alongside our development partners to continually iterate on the site's design to keep it aligned with our design system and help highlight priority narratives. During significant moments in our company's history, we go the extra mile to present our stories in dynamic ways. By combining motion and graphic design with web development, we create unique experiences that invite readers to delve deeper into the content and gain a better understanding of our mission.

Airbnb Editorial Web Design

Delivering news through data and community storytelling


Creative Direction Product Design Motion Graphics


The Airbnb Newsroom is the first stop for all company related news. I worked alongside our development partners to continually iterate on the site's design to keep it aligned with our design system and help highlight priority narratives. During significant moments in our company's history, we go the extra mile to present our stories in dynamic ways. By combining motion and graphic design with web development, we create unique experiences that invite readers to delve deeper into the content and gain a better understanding of our mission.

Airbnb Editorial Web Design

Delivering news through data and community storytelling


Creative Direction Product Design Motion Graphics


The Airbnb Newsroom is the first stop for all company related news. I worked alongside our development partners to continually iterate on the site's design to keep it aligned with our design system and help highlight priority narratives. During significant moments in our company's history, we go the extra mile to present our stories in dynamic ways. By combining motion and graphic design with web development, we create unique experiences that invite readers to delve deeper into the content and gain a better understanding of our mission.